Saturday, June 16, 2012

Adorable Baby Shower Gift... for cheap!

Lollipop Washcloth Gifts

Our Northeast Editor, Karrie, is amazing.  Not only is she a mom of three little ones under the age of 6, but she is a Super Nanny and in her spare time… she’s crafty!  By spending only a few minutes with her you will quickly figure out why I consider myself extremely blessed to have caller her my Best Friend for years.

Her newest craft are these adorable lollipop washcloth gifts that are perfect for you to bring to the next neighborhood baby shower.  I’m usually in a hurry (because I forgot that it was on my calendar) trying to run really fast to Target and grab whatever is left on their registry (usually something really lame or very expensive) and shoving it into one of my “hand me” down gift bags (I refuse to pay $5 for a bag), so having something a little “extra” tied to the card would make it at least look like I spent more than five minutes out of my day.  So, grab out your pen and paper (or press “print” or “pin” this to Pinterest) and make a list of supplies.  When you find time to sit down and make one, make more like ten.   That way, you can keep them next to your old baby shower bags for when you need something cute… FAST.

Lollipop Washcloth Gifts
Favorite Ribbon
1 roll of Clear Plastic Wrap
Infant wash clothes in fun prints or colors (I like the Circo 3 packs)
1 pack of Gerber or Nuk metal handle baby spoons

Cut one strip of clear plastic wrap about 15 inches wide, then cut into two pieces (each strip will make 2 lollipops).  Coordinate your washcloths and colored spoons (I like to match the pink/purple spoons with the pink washcloths, etc.). 
Starting from one corner, roll washcloth toward the opposite corner, keeping the roll tight and the width about 1 inch.  
Doesn't she have gorgeous hands... and ring!
 Now take long end and roll into a snail shape.
Washcloth Snail
 Holding the roll tight, place spoon on back of roll, cover with plastic wrap and tie ribbon around neck of spoon.  I attached gift tags to ribbon using a hole punch.  
Ready to wrap with plastic wrap.  See top of post for completed picture.

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