Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mom's say the Darndest Things

Do you ever scream something at your kid and then afterwards think, “Did I seriously just say that?”  Kids don’t only say the darndest things; they make their parents say the darndest things too. 

The odd and unusual things I have said to my children over the past week:

“You cannot lie about saying your prayers.”

“Stop peeing on your brother.”

“NO!  You cannot pee there; they have a restroom inside for a reason.”

“Yes, you are grounded.  You cannot say ‘You can’t change me’ to your Kindergarten teacher.”

“There is no such thing as a Booger Fairy.  Your nose is full of boogers because you have a cold.”

“Stop playing with and eating your boogers, go get a Kleenex.”

“You are right; I don’t know what it’s like to be 6 years old.  I’m sure it is very hard.”

“NO! You cannot fill the bathtub up with slime.”

And of course…

“Stop pulling your brother around the house.  He’s a BABY not a toy.”

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